Two weeks ago I mistakenly bit down on something hard that should not have been in the food I was eating. I was sure that my tooth was broken. My tongue was bleeding on that side of my mouth. I went to the dentist the next day. She took x-rays and said that everything looked fine. I took ibuprofen for several days and it felt a little better. This week my tooth started throbbing. I really think it is cracked. Should I go back to the dentist? – Rob
Rob – At times, when I tooth is first traumatized, the damage doesn’t immediately show up on an x-ray. You should make an appointment with your dentist to have your tooth examined again.
If you are getting an infection in the tooth, it will require a root canal treatment and a porcelain crown to prevent it from breaking. The nerve in the tooth will eventually die, blood will no longer flow to the tooth, and it will become weak. The crown protects the tooth.
If the root of the tooth is fractured, the tooth cannot be saved. It will need to be replaced with a dental implant or a dental bridge.
See your dentist to get an accurate diagnosis and to find out your treatment options.
This post is courtesy of Lowell cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael Szarek.